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Structured Data | Structured Data Testing Tool

Structured Data Testing Tool - Structured Data are code structures that are frequently encountered in SEO and allow search engines to better understand and interpret the content on a page. 

Structured Data | Structured Data Testing Tool
Structured Data | Structured Data Testing Tool 

Structured Data | Structured Data Testing Tool 


Search engines pre-publish the codes within the structured data, and site owners mark the sections on their pages that are compatible with these code structures and present them to search engines. After this stage, search engine bots crawl the page and identify structured data that is correctly marked.

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Is Structured Data an SEO Criterion and Does It Affect Ranking?

Structured Data Testing Tool

For a long time, it has been claimed that using structured data is an important SEO criterion in SEO communities and issues such as loss of positions and drop in organic traffic when not used.

However, in a recent statement by Google on the subject, “Content owners can use structured data as an * optional * way to improve their web pages. However, this has no effect on ranking. Using it can help make pages that are already ranking well appear more attractive to potential visitors. " statements were used and it was stated with this explanation that Structured Data is not an SEO criterion and does not affect ranking.

In addition, Google's Danny Sullivan stated during a discussion about recipe data markup that Structured Data does not affect ranking on Google.

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 What Should Be Considered In Structured Data Marking?


1.   First of all, the data markup you use on a page should be error-free and work fine. Search engines do not accept an error markup and will not work for you. Therefore, you must ensure that the structured data markup codes you use work properly.


2.  Second, it's important that the structured data markup you use on a page is relevant to your page. Defining a structured data markup that has nothing to do with the content on your page can have a negative impact.


3.  You should watch out for errors in Search Console and fix any structured data errors that may occur as soon as possible.


How is Structured Data Test Performed?

There is a tool that Google offers free of charge to users for the Structured Data test and it is called the "Structured Data Testing Tool". Here you can directly check the structured data markup in your URL, or you can also check if the code is correct by using the structured data code directly instead of using the URL.

 Google's Structured Data Testing Tool

If an error is found in a URL or a structured data code that you scanned in the Structured Data Testing Tool, it will be highlighted in red on the right. When you open the tab, details about the error of the relevant structural data code are given in the lower section. According to this given detail, you can go through the errors in your structural data code and obtain the structural data code that works completely correctly.

You can click the link  to go to Google's Structured Data Testing Tool .


Most Used Structured Data Markups

Websites can use different structured data codes according to the types of content on their pages. For example, there are differences between the structural data codes used by an e-Commerce site and a blog site. Because one will use different structural data codes to introduce the details of the product and the other to present its content more comprehensively. Below, you can see the most commonly used structured data markups on websites today.


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Breadcrumbs (Content Maps)


The content maps (i.e. breadcrumbs) you use on your pages is a basic structured data code that you should introduce to search engines. If you are using Breadcrumbs (Content Maps) showing a hierarchy of "Home Page> Category> Page" on your site, you will need to use the structured data code "BreadcrumbList", which can also be seen on Schema.org , and apply it to your site.


Product – Structured Data Testing Tool


If you have an E-Commerce site and you are listing your products, you will need to use the Product structured data markup. You can report price information, discount / campaign information, stock status, product image, product name, product brand, product rating, price currency and similar details on your product to search engines using the Product structured data marking. In this way, you can show some information of your products in the search results.


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


You can introduce the frequently asked questions sections you use on your pages to search engines with FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), which is a data marking that has been used a lot especially recently and is recommended for voice searches. In this way, you can get an encouraging view on the organic result page and allow your organic traffic to increase.


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How-To - Structured Data Testing Tool


If you're giving details of how something is done in a content, the How-To data markup is for you. Here's a how-to, step-by-step how-to with How-To structured data markup. You can introduce your topic to search engines and meet users with a noticeable appearance on the search result page. It is recommended that you use How-To structured data markup to increase your organic traffic and prepare for voice calls.




Logo data marking, which you will use to promote your logo to search engines, is very important first of all in terms of your brand awareness. It will be beneficial for your brand to promote your logo so that Google uses an image for your organization in Google search results and information box.




If you are giving information about events on a page or on your pages, you can introduce many details about the event to search engines with the help of data marking called Event. You can report the name, place, time, details and many other information of the event to search engines in this way. With the Event data marking you will use, you can get a remarkable appearance on the search result page, encouraging users to click, and also get traffic from voice calls.

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Recipe (Recipe)


With Recipe (Recipe), a data markup used by recipe sites that have recently increased and attracted attention, you can present details of the recipe to search engines while describing a recipe. It is recommended to use the Recipe structured data markup to introduce various information such as ingredients, user ratings, cooking and preparation times, nutritional values ​​and so on to search engines. If you have a recipe website, it's important to use this structured data markup to get traffic from voice searches and organic search results.

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